Post by Ariel|Jessi|Kadaj|Kairi|Aiden on Sept 23, 2011 11:54:21 GMT -5
(XDDDDDD A farmer WOULD say that when he lost his tractor. XDDD And I like looking down occaisionally, too, just because sometimes my finger slips and I hit a key I didn't mean to, and the next thing I know I wrote "crap" instead of "trap" XDDDD And the answer is 50 pie squared. ._. XDDD I have a VT pillow too! 8DD Somewhere. XDDD And aww, he must think that the veggies on it are real or something. XDDD)
Post by So/Ri/Tai/Tia/Kari/Mason/Evey on Sept 23, 2011 12:04:53 GMT -5
(XDDD Why did the boy drop his ice cream? Because he was hit by a bus. XDDDDD Been there and done that XD Many many times XDDDDDD But lol! "It's a crap!!" "What O__o???" "O.O Whoops! I meant it's a TRAP!" "Ruined the whole suspenseful moment..." XDDDDDDDDD O____________O *checks answer* HOLY CRUD! YOU'RE RIGHT!! And that was an English assignment too!!!!!! *applauds* ;D VT pillow buddies!!! XD That or it has my scent all over it and he loves rubbing himself and stuff that has my scent ._____. It's a little creepy at times...)
Post by Ariel|Jessi|Kadaj|Kairi|Aiden on Sept 23, 2011 12:09:35 GMT -5
( I suppose that would make someone drop their icecream. XDDDD You will not believe how many times I've accidentally said "Cradle crap" instead of "Cradle Cap" XDDDD O__O Woah, what kind of English assignment has an answer of 50 pie squared? XDD And yeah, your dog's kind of like MOTD Sora in that way. XDDDDDD)
Post by So/Ri/Tai/Tia/Kari/Mason/Evey on Sept 23, 2011 12:18:20 GMT -5
(XD I have so many of those jokes! Whats green and has wheels? Grass. I lied about the wheels. XDDDDDDDDDDDDD Lol XD And I'm sure you confused a lot of people XDDDD Pssh, an English assignment that'll give me 7 gold stars 8DDDDDDDDDDDD OMG! I cracked up for like 5 minutes imagining Sora going into Ariel's room and just rolling around on her bed XDDDDDDDDDDDD)
Post by Ariel|Jessi|Kadaj|Kairi|Aiden on Sept 23, 2011 12:24:18 GMT -5
(XDDD Why did the chicken cross the road? He didn't, because he was hit by a truck as he was crossing it. ._. XDD And yeah, I quickly corrected myself though. XDDD And 7 gold stars? AWESOME! 8DDD And awwww. *huggles Sora* Whyyousocute? XDDD)
Post by So/Ri/Tai/Tia/Kari/Mason/Evey on Sept 23, 2011 12:28:45 GMT -5
(XDDDDDDDDDDDD That poor poor chicken XDDD Roses are red, Violets are blue. I have a gun. Get in the van. .___. XDDDDD Mistakes are funny when you're able to laugh at yourself XDD Yes 7 gold stars!!! 8DDDDDDDDDDDDD XD Cute isn't the word I was thinking of but ok XD Sora's gonna be like a puppy that's missed their owner for a day, when Ariel gets back X'DDD)
Post by Ariel|Jessi|Kadaj|Kairi|Aiden on Sept 23, 2011 12:31:17 GMT -5
(XDDDD Oh, the random jokes. XDDD And yeah. I laugh at my mistakes all the time. Like last night, I was scooping ice cream, but I wasn't paying attention and the little bit of ice cream went flying out of the scoop and onto the floor. XDDD I was cracking up. And Sora's ADORABLE!! XDDD Don't deny it! XDDDDDD Awwww. *huggles Sora again*)
Post by So/Ri/Tai/Tia/Kari/Mason/Evey on Sept 23, 2011 12:36:17 GMT -5
(XD Why was six afraid of seven? It wasn't. Numbers are not sentient and thus incapable of feeling fear. XDDDDDDD It's hard not to laugh at mistakes XD I'm denying it XD Sora's a creeper XDDD)
Post by Ariel|Jessi|Kadaj|Kairi|Aiden on Sept 23, 2011 12:43:56 GMT -5
(XDDDDDD True, true. And yeah, mistakes are funny. XDD Most of the time. I've actually got a shirt that says "It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt. Then it's freaking hilarious!" XDDD And he's an adorkable creeper!)
Post by So/Ri/Tai/Tia/Kari/Mason/Evey on Sept 23, 2011 12:48:21 GMT -5
(XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I love shirts like that!! XDD Lol "adorkable" XDDD He's just a plain creeper XD A plain, hormonal, fail, creeper vampire XDDD)
Post by Ariel|Jessi|Kadaj|Kairi|Aiden on Sept 23, 2011 12:52:52 GMT -5
(XDDD Thrift stores are gold mines when it comes to finding funny shirts. XDD I've also got one that says "Chaos, Panic, Disorder, my work is done here." XDD Well Ariel thinks he's adorable! ^^ MOTD Ariel, that is. XDDD DC Ariel hasn't met him and KOZ Ariel . . . I don't even know about her anymore. XDDDD)
Post by So/Ri/Tai/Tia/Kari/Mason/Evey on Sept 23, 2011 13:00:16 GMT -5
(XD I love the shirts with the food and other random objects saying funny things XDDD He thinks MOTD Ariel is quite adorable also X3 XDDDDD KOZ Ariel is confusing now XD?)
Post by Ariel|Jessi|Kadaj|Kairi|Aiden on Sept 23, 2011 13:07:41 GMT -5
(XDDD Don't think I have any shirts with food on them. XDDD And awww. ^^ Yeah, KOZ Ariel is confuzzling me. >.< She's all angsty and depressed - mainly becuase she's sick and tired of the war - and she's still hurting over what happened to Jest and she's just all - IDEK! DDDDX)
Post by So/Ri/Tai/Tia/Kari/Mason/Evey on Sept 23, 2011 13:11:57 GMT -5
(XDDD This is one of the shirts I have XDDD Aw. *huggles KOZ Ariel* Well she didn't seem upset when Rapunzel was nibbling her ear XDDD Maybe she's PMSing .___.)
Post by Ariel|Jessi|Kadaj|Kairi|Aiden on Sept 23, 2011 13:24:41 GMT -5
(XDDD Haha, I get it! XDDDD Ah, again with bad puns. ^^ And lol. XDDDD Nah, when she's around really good friends she's happier. But I think she might be crying herself to sleep at night. O_______O)